
Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials… we love putting tags to generations, and for good reason: each one is different.

If you are between the ages of 6 and 23 years old (probably not six), you belong to a group we like to call Generation Z. You represent 29.5% of the United States population and contribute $44 billion a year to its economy. You were born in an era of technology and self-driven motivation. But even when opportunities are greater than ever, you are going to find out the road is not what you’ve been promised.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Don’t fake it if you want to make it.

A good friend told me once: fake it until you make it is dead. It’s true. That’s an old tactic reserved for underachievers. According to CEO Stephane Kasriel, Upwork, the top marketplace for the freelancers, get’s 10,000 new applications every day. That’s 10,000 people like you trying to land a gig. EVERYDAY. Do you think pretending is going to make you stand out? I’m glad you don’t.

There is one thing you must understand: success can be seen at plain sight. Even though we can land social credibility through social media, the in person test is what often times make or break your success. There is power in being relational, so if anything, realize that you have to get out from behind your computer and meet people, relate, network build relationships and partnerships that will be of benefit to you and others. Choose counterparts that are similar to you in that they are invested in succeeding.

It’s going to be much, much harder than you think.

According to Murphy’s Law: if something can go wrong, it will. When you are starting your professional career, it’s unrealistic to think success will be fast and absolute. We all want to believe it, but if we look at the statistics, chances are it’s not going to happen quick.

Experience accumulates. Maybe you have a good idea, a good product or initiative, but results will only come after you’ve done enough, and doing enough takes a lot longer than you think.

Therefore, adjust your mindset, and embrace challenges and obstacles. Consider failures as additional opportunities for growth.

Take some time to relax.

Being a high achiever can sometimes feel like a burden. There is an unrelenting compulsion to succeed. However, there is something to be said for being hyper-focused, you additional attention to your desired goal will likely result in success because you have consumed every aspect of both the problem and the solution. However, working to the point of being overstressed, depressed, or constantly anxious is not healthy. A matter of fact it will be a recipe for disaster. As you grow in your life experiences, setbacks and successes you will build resilience, this is the natural outcome of weathering hard trials. But, just be mindful that the journey to achievement can be lonely, so insulate yourself with adequate supports which are: 1) recreational/social outlets; 2) emotional/social support; 3) wellness (i.e., overall health, mind, body, soul connection).

If you are in this for the long run, you must cultivate patience. The most successful people I’ve met consider their free time their most valuable asset. It makes sense: no rest, no creativity or productivity; no productivity, you don’t get paid.

What can you do to not become a workaholic?

  • Prioritize your free time. If you want to deal with the stress of working long hours you need rest. Take your leisure time as serious as your working hours.
  • Respect your schedules. There is nothing wrong with working overtime, but work never ends. The road is too long for you not to have time for yourself.

Above all, if you want to be successful, take time to live your life. Not everything is work and money. Put those cellphones and tablets down. Go out, meet friends, travel, experience life. These are also fundamental keys to living your dreams.

Photo Credit: Freepik 

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